
Showing posts from October, 2020


 The topic I've decided to research is simple: the paranormal. Why do spirits not move on? That's a simple one to answer, really. They have unfinished business, whether it's finding justice against the one who killed them or protecting their still-living family. Or perhaps they just want to cause a little mischief. What buildings are the most likely to be haunted? Older buildings have a bigger chance of being haunted, due to history. There's also the factor of location. Think your house is haunted? Do some research, maybe you're living on a Civil War battlefield and your house was a field hospital. Or your house was unknowingly built on top of an ancient Native American burial ground. When was the first known case of a haunting? In first-century A.D, the Roman author Pliny reported the ghost of an old man with a long beard rattling chains, was haunting his house in Athens. Has it been shown that spirits can haunt robots? While not been documented as of right now, it

How To Not Make A Mary Sue

 Hello everyone, it's your favorite friendly neighborhood Father here and today I'll be demonstrating how NOT to make a Mary Sue OC!!! First off, "What is a Mary Sue?" Well, a Mary Sue is a female OC (Original Character) who is extremely overpowered. She has a "Tragic backstory", a perfect life, supposedly perfect looks, and everyone loves her. These characters are usually shunned in the internet writing and roleplaying communities and it's easy to see why. Trying to interact with these characters becomes a pain after only a few minutes. Since your dear Night Father does not have any artistic skills, I will be using an app called "Gacha Club" to show examples of what a Mary Sue looks like and what one of my "OCs" looks like. Let's get into it, shall we? This disgusting creature is a generic Gacha "Mary Sue". Wearing a short skirt and barely a top, with long, ugly pink hair, and lots of it. Hybrid princess, am I right? Th