
My Opinion on "Straight Pride"

 There are people out there who think it's right for a "straight pride" to exist. These people, are idiots. Why should those who never were oppressed get to strut around saying "oh we're better than you". Shut up, Karen, you didn't have to fear for your safety by telling your family who you really are. You don't get shamed, disgraced, you don't get thrown slurs by those around you. You aren't told that "It's just a phase" "All gays go to hell" "You're just confused". You don't have to be afraid to ask someone on a date. Come back and say you deserve straight pride when you're the oppressed ones.

Day In The Life of a Nintendo Switch?

 A lone device sat on the bed, watching as its owner tapped away on his grandmother's computer, doing his homework. 'My, he really does take his time doing his homework. Or is he mostly just watching YouTube on the cracked little device?' The console wonders, knowing how easily its owner gets distracted. 'Oh, is he fanboying over Demon Slayer characters again? He's been doing that more recently. I wonder which one it is. By the way he's laughing, it might be either Zenitsu or Inosuke. He really does get distracted easily. Why doesn't he just hurry up and get done? Then he could play on me or my friends. It's rather pathetic, really. Aaaand there he goes, getting distracted again. I wonder if he knows I'm watching him. Perhaps not. Now that I think about it, he's probably a Zenitsu kinnie. It would make sense, seeing how much of a coward he can be. Only ever playing Minecraft on peaceful...And being afraid of new people and new things, of everythi

current event summary thing

 Silento was arrested for murder- that's wack bro. W a c k. Anyways, apparently he was thought to have helped in the murder of his cousin. Eh, I wasn't a fan anyways. I hated Whip Nae Nae.


 So, I guess I just won the lottery? Honestly...I'd give all the money to charity because I don't know what I'd do with it.


 Five places that inspire me: 1. Zhangye Danxia Geopark in China. The multi-colored rocks amaze me and it seems like a truly beautiful place to sit and relax.  2. Japan, the culture there has inspired me for years and I've always dreamed of visiting the beautiful country. 3. Blue Lagoon, Iceland. It's very pretty. 4. Paris, France. I've always been in love with French culture and I've wanted to learn French for a while. 4. Cliffs of Mother, Ireland. The view must be beautiful from up there! Four quotes that inspire me: 1.  2.  "A place where someone still thinks of you is a place you can call home." -Jiraiya Ogata 3. "People who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." -Kakashi Hatake 4. "It hurts when the person who gave you the best memories becomes a memory themselves." -Naruto Uzumaki Three people that inspire me: 1. John Lasseter. He runs Pixar and has a hell of a time doing it :) 2. Obama. Do

New Year, New Me!

 Okay first off, 2020 sucked. Big time. But for 2021, I'd like to lose a few pounds, get my life in order. I want to mature emotionally and mentally.


 The topic I've decided to research is simple: the paranormal. Why do spirits not move on? That's a simple one to answer, really. They have unfinished business, whether it's finding justice against the one who killed them or protecting their still-living family. Or perhaps they just want to cause a little mischief. What buildings are the most likely to be haunted? Older buildings have a bigger chance of being haunted, due to history. There's also the factor of location. Think your house is haunted? Do some research, maybe you're living on a Civil War battlefield and your house was a field hospital. Or your house was unknowingly built on top of an ancient Native American burial ground. When was the first known case of a haunting? In first-century A.D, the Roman author Pliny reported the ghost of an old man with a long beard rattling chains, was haunting his house in Athens. Has it been shown that spirits can haunt robots? While not been documented as of right now, it