
Showing posts from September, 2020

Best song for...

1. Bad Breakup- personally? "Nothing Stopping Me Now" by Beity. It's an amazing party song and talks a lot about coming out of a toxic relationship and finding yourself again. 2. Prepping for a Competition- Probably "Good As Hell" by Lizzo. It's very self-empowering and would give me a confidence boost. 3. Relaxing - Anything from Billie Eilish. Her voice soothes me, strangely enough. 4. Working out - Any video game fan-song, really. Most of them have awesome beats and really get me excited. 5. Driving with my parents - "Popular Monster" by Falling In Reverse or anything by Shinedown! Both myself and my mother are huge Shinedown fans. 6. Studying for a test - "100 Bad Days" or "Bang", both by AJR! 7. Trying to fall asleep - I usually just play one of those 10 hour long things on YouTube? 8. Cleaning/organizing - Any songs by MARINA. 9. Getting ready for school - "Carnival Hearts" by Kayla Diamond! 10. At this moment? &

Bucket List

I've always wanted to go to Europe. That's my #1 on my bucket list. Specifically Ireland or France.  I've also always wanted to learn French. It's a beautiful language, don't you think? I've always thought that guitar is a beautiful instrument, and I want to learn how to play it. I really want to go to an anime convention! I want to be able to cosplay Bakugou Katsuki! I'd like to go to Disney World. I wish I could lose some weight. I want another black lab!! I want to go to the circus again. I want to help my mom feel better.

Dogs. This post? This post is beautiful. I mean, dogs, tweeting? Yes, please. Who wouldn't want to see their dogs tweeting? Imagine their little paws pitter-pattering away at the keyboard! That would be the cutest thing like, EVER! Though it would take quite a long time for them to type. Since they don't have thumbs or fingers. Speaking of dogs, my dog is currently crushing my legs under his fat butt. Don't you hate it when your dog growls? You just gotta say "What'd you say to me?? What'd you say huh??" And then they'll stop, in my experience. My opinion? Dogs are great. Truly man's best friend but BOOOYYY can they screw you over sometimes. Like when they try to lay on your computer or slobber on your face. My dog's name is Oreo. He barks loudly and sometimes gets on my nerves. Why do dogs like balls so much? What's the big deal about a round object? I don'

Likes and Dislikes

Likes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mother's dog, Oreo (only sometimes though, he's currently sitting on my legs) Doritos My room Video games Hanging out with my friends Eating Drinking water (stay hydrated!) Reading Talking to my mother Wearin a MASK Dislikes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullies Working Exercise My grandma thinking I can fix all her tech problems Being yelled at People being dumb People interrupting me when I'm doing something My grandma in general Ugly people? Mineta from Boku No Hero Academia

A Little Bit About The Night Father

Y'know, a lot of people wouldn't think this about me, but I am a diligent author. I enjoy reading and writing. I've been writing my own stories for perhaps, three years now? I grew up alongside Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Five Nights at Freddy's, and Minecraft. I'm a sixteen-year-old male who might groove a little too intensely to MARINA. Who is a great singer, by the way. I highly recommend her music. Anyways, where was I? Ah, right. My personality has become shaped around my interests, and I admit, I don't talk much, even though I do like making new friends. I'm an avid Marvel fan (Doctor Strange for the win). I call myself the Night Father to keep myself even a little vague. If any of my classmates post any comments involving my dead name, I will delete them and then come to find you, rip your head off of your skull and force your parents to eat it. I have a dog named Oreo. He's a pointer coonhound. I call him "Butt Harry Potter" because he